Get ready to increase the traffic to your Etsy shop with The Power of Pins


If you’re an Etsy shop owner looking to get more sales in your Etsy shop then you already know that the key to more sales is to get more views on your listings. 

Statistics say that for every 100-300 visits to your Etsy shop you should get one sale. In other words, if you can just get more eyeballs on your shop and your listings, then you should get more sales.

So how do you increase brand awareness and get more views without spending a ton of money on ads?? 

You get other people to share your content.

Pinterest is the perfect platform for this!




  • 463 million people use Pinterest every month

    And the number of users is increasing drastically year after year.
  • Pins on Pinterest are "Evergreen"

    Pins on Pinterest stick around forever so they can drive traffic to your shop years and years after they are first pinned. (Unlike Facebook where posts disappear almost immediately.)
  • Pinterest reaches 83% of women aged 25-54

    That's more than Instagram, SnapChat, and Twitter.Ā 
  • More purchases originateĀ on Pinterest than Facebook

    Customers are more likely to purchase after seeing a Pinterest pin than they are after seeing a Facebook post.
  • 55% of Pinterest users are specifically looking for products

    Pinterest may be classified as a "social media" but it's really a search engine. Which means that when users come to Pinterest, over half of them have a purpose, rather than just "window shopping".

The Reasons Why Most Entrepreneurs
Don't Use Pinterest For Marketing 


Much of the time it's because they simply don't know how

I get it.  It can seem like there are a LOT of social media platforms! But the truth is mastering Pinterest can be the best thing you do for your Etsy shop this year. And if you use just ONE "social media", Pinterest will likely give you the best results. 

No time left in the day

There is always something more to do for your Etsy shop, am I right?! It can feel like it will never all get done. But Pinterest is one of the easiest platforms to use because most of the work isn't even done by you! Create your pin one time and then other users repin it and keep it going. You can also use Tailwind to batch your pinning and save yourself lots of time.


I'm going to let you in on a little secret

Pinterest drives more traffic to my Etsy shop
than any other social media platform.

And even more than Etsy itself.

"Lauren will teach you how to set up your Pinterest account and how to use Pinterest to drive increased traffic to your Etsy shop. With more traffic you will see increased sales! Thanks Lauren."

Lynn Wall, Meemaw's Wreaths and Things

"Lauren is a great teacher. If you implement what she teaches you, you will see results. Pinterest is my # 1 driver of social media traffic to my Etsy shop. Thank you Lauren!"

Kathy Bryant, K & J Creations

"Lauren’s Pinterest training is so beneficial. I have definitely seen an increase in my Etsy traffic from Pinterest."

Paula Kreamer, Just Crafting About



How To Leverage Pinterest To Bring

More Views To Your Etsy Shop.

My Pinterest Account Consistently
Has 500k-1M Views Every Month. 

If you think there is too much competition on Etsy then stop relying on just Etsy's algorithm for sales! Use the Power of Pins to get more views to your listings.Ā 

The Power of PinsĀ Is The
ONLY Program Of Its KindĀ Thatā€¦

- 1 -

Helps you specifically drive traffic to your Etsy shop

- 2 -

Gives you a detailed breakdown of the main "feeds" within Pinterest and how to optimizeĀ your account and boards for maximum traffic

- 3 -

Shows you the analytical side to Pinterest

So if youā€™re ready to finally get more views to your listings by leveraging the Power of Pinterest then join us andĀ 


Module 1

Why Pinterest Matters and How to Get Started

First things first - let's learn why Pinterest is so important for your Etsy shop.

What you'll learn:

  • How Pinterest is meant to be used
  • What types of boards to have on your account
  • When to pin
  • How to create a business account
Module 2

How Pinterest Works

In this module we'll dissect and define all the different types of "feeds" within the Pinterest platform.

What you'll learn:

  • The main types of "feeds" and how to optimize your content for each
Module 3

Anatomy of Your Pinterest Account and Keywords

Before you get too carried away you need to know how to setup your account and your pins.

What you'll learn:

  • The anatomy of a pin
  • The optimal size for Pinterest pins
  • What types of boards are important and how to set them up with the right descriptions
  • How to setup your profile, name, and bio for maximum views
  • How and what to pin to increase views
  • How to find the right keywords for your pins
Module 4 

Factors that Influence Whether a Pin is Shown

There is more to being found on Pinterest than just the appearance of your pin.

What you'll learn:

  • The 4 main factors that influence your visibility and how to improve in each area
Module 5

More Features Within Pinterest

Continuing information on all the features that separateĀ Pinterest from other "social media" platforms

What you'll learn:

  • How to use the Pinterest Lens feature
  • How to create Rich Pins
  • Bonus - the difference between Facebook and Pinterest when it comes to images and content

Here’s What You’re Getting When You Enroll Today:

The Power of Pins complete course PLUS

- BONUS 1 -

Guide to the major differences between Facebook and
Pinterest and how to optimize your content for each

- BONUS 2 -

Canva 101 - how to use Canva to create branded pins for your shop

- BONUS 3 -

How to use Tailwind to schedule pins

- BONUS 4 -

Pinterest Ads training

- BONUS 5 -

Private Facebook Group for course members only

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $400

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for:




Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for The Power of Pins:

Nope! You'll have lifetime access to the videos and any updates to the material.

It would be helpful if you had spent some time on Pinterest to have a general understanding of how Pinterest works but you don't have to have a Pinterest account to take this course. I'll show you how to create a business account in the training.

Handmade Sellers 201 course covers over multiple ways to bring more traffic to your Etsy shop. This Pinterest training is a part of that larger course so you will get a special pricing offer if you choose to upgrade to the entire Handmade Sellers 201 course.

Here’s What You’re Getting When You Enroll Today:

The Power of Pins complete course PLUS

  • - BONUS 1 -

    Guide to the major differences between Facebook and 
    Pinterest and how to optimize your content for each

    - BONUS 2 -

    Canva 101 - how to use Canva to create branded pins for your shop

    - BONUS 3 -

    How to use Tailwind to schedule pins

    - BONUS 4 - 

    Pinterest Ads training

    - BONUS 5 - 

    Private Facebook group for course members only

    When you add it all up, that’s a value of $400

    But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for:




How to know if you’re ready to learn the Power of Pins:

  1. You've set up your Etsy shop and now you're ready to learn more ways to drive traffic to your shop
  2. You've been struggling to learn how Pinterest works and you're ready to learn it once and for all
  3. You want to learn how to get millions of views a month on Pinterest that can funnel over to your Etsy shop

Here’s What You’re Getting When You Enroll Today:

The Power of Pins complete course PLUS

  • - BONUS 1 -

    Guide to the major differences between Facebook and 
    Pinterest and how to optimize your content for each

    - BONUS 2 -

    Canva 101 - How to use Canva to create branded pins for your shop

    - BONUS 3 -

    How to use Tailwind to schedule pins

    - BONUS 4 -

    Pinterest Ads training

    - BONUS 5 -

    Private Facebook group for course members only 

    When you add it all up, that’s a value of $400

    But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for:




50% Complete

Two Step

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